Saturday, April 11, 2020

Domestic Violence and Early Adulthood Essay Example

Domestic Violence and Early Adulthood Essay Domestic violence leads to robbing a particular victim the fundamental right to live in harmony or to have a control on their lives. This is because one does not feel safe in their environment and also at home. The victims also feel hard to offer protection to themselves and their children. Domestic violence is said to be the cause of child abuse. According to Barnett, O. W. 350, 50% to 70% of people involved in violence are likely to also abuse their children. Also according to the same reports, children who come from home that have abusive parents are 1500 likely to be frequently abused. According to research, juvenile delinquency is closely related to physical injury as a result of domestic violence. Children who come from violent homes are said to be at six times higher chances of suicide attempts and 50% chances of engaging in drug abuse. The violence has caused the children and their parent to turn to alcoholics. According to Wisner, C. , et al 1999, the most tragic effect of domestic violence is death and it is estimated that men between 11 and 22 years old who are jailed have committed homicide in that they have killed those who have battered their mothers. There are signs of abuse that one should look out for. We will write a custom essay sample on Domestic Violence and Early Adulthood specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Domestic Violence and Early Adulthood specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Domestic Violence and Early Adulthood specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer One is injuries; they have all sorts of injuries on their bodies, from scratches to broken bones and bruises. The affected also have stress and this leads to depression over time. The victims are also said to loose their jobs as they spend most of their time absent from work in order to attend to hospital. They also spend more time in courts and they also move from one place to another to avoid cases of violence. In conclusion all the domestic violence cases should be reported to the authorities to avoid more harm than good. There are centers that have been formed and this act to provide counseling to the affected people. This helps those parents and children, who are victims to adjust to the situation and also for the prevention of long term effects. Works Cited Barnett, O. W. Why battered women do not leave, part 1: External inhibiting factors within society. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, 1, (2000). 343-372. Harway, M. Hansen, M. Spouse Abuse: Assessing and Treating Battered Women, Batterers, and Their Children. Sarasota, Florida: Professional Resource Press. (1994). Perrone, J. Red Flags Offer Clues in Spotting Domestic Abuse. Violence, A Compendium from JAMA. Chicago: The American Medical Association. (1992). Straus, M. A. Injury and Frequency of Assault and the Representative Sample Fallacy in Measuring Wife Beating and Child Abuse. In M. A. Straus R. J. Gelles (Eds. ), Physical violence in American Families: Risk Factors and Adaptations to Violence in 8,145 F amilies New Brunswick, NJ; Transaction. (1990). pp. 75-91 Vitanza, S. , Vogel, L. C. , Marshall, L. LDistress and Symptoms of Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Abused Women. Violence and Victims, 10, (1995). 23-34. Wisner, C. , Gilmer, T. , Saltzman, L. , Zink, T. Intimate Partner Violence Against Women Do Victims Cost Health Plans More? Journal of Family Practice, June. (1999).