Thursday, December 19, 2019

The Theory Of Child Sexual Abuse - 901 Words

After reading the article by Rind, Tromovich, and Baserman, and the other associated commentaries I have drawn a few conclusions. First I do not believe in the Rind et al. s final theory that child sexual abuse does not cause intense and extensive harm in the long term. However, I do not fully renounce all of his theories. I have concluded that their final theory needed more precise research and there were holes in their research and theory. I also believe that they did not consider the impact that their article would have on the psychological community, politics, and personal emotional impact. After I read the first article from Rind et al s, I felt shock and anger from the content. I understood that what they wanted to answer a few key questions such as, does child sexual assault (CSA) cause harm, will the harm be intense, and is the experience similar for both boys and girls in terms of the negative effects. I felt that the article minimized CSA and the effects it has on the victi ms. On page 26 in the left-hand column, Rind states that, â€Å"CSA does not typically have intensely negative psychological effects. Almost the exact same sentence was repeated on page 46 in the right-hand column. On that same page, it inferred that adult-child sex and adult-adolescent sex was considered normal in some populations. That may be true, but children and adolescents should not be exposed to that at such a young age where they are not fully developed. In the rebuttal article byShow MoreRelatedChild Abuse Is A Serious Concern Of Society1570 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction Child abuse is a serious concern of society because of the negative effects on later social and psychological functioning. 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