Thursday, May 2, 2019

The Chronicle Gazette Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

The Chronicle publish - Term Paper ExampleThis newspaper agency is going through a tough contour with diminishing revenues. Both advertising and subscription revenues are decreasing. The main cause of this downturn is that readers are now using network to receive all the news theme for free. This advancement has increased reluctance in masses to pay for newspapers now. Global recession has similarly obligated pile to go for internet and free news instead of newspapers. It has distanced the customers from the traditional system of newspapers and also the increase in price of newspapers. The publishing costs know increased and majority of newspapers drop increased their prices too. Today, online newspaper websites have gained popularity among different people (The New time Company, 2010).The main aim of this key is to offer the management of The Chronicle Gazette a strategic trance of where the newspaper publishing industry stands today and where it is headed over the nex t decade. Also, this report proposes strategies the newspaper can check to survive in the new business environment. It also analyzes the details of this companys present and next performance. It also gives facts on factors which cause the turn down of this industry. The trends in newspaper industry are also analyzed with regard to strategies that leading companies of the industry follow. This report will also give details some the measures that different companies adapt to beat the losses of the industry. It will also offer details about the measures that some companies adapt to eschew the losses encountered. By considering the external and internal factors affecting industry and also the publishers, the report will give measures that The Chronicle Gazette should adapt to increase its revenues and customer base (The New quantify Company, 2010). 2. State of the newspaper publishing industry today 2.1. Data on declining circulation and revenues The state of national parsimony is one of the basic drivers of industry of US newspaper. The economy has a distinct impact on twain the circulation and advertising Most of the costs that companies face are fixed. As a consequence, the profitability is achieved by merchandise and sales. The companies need to be innovative and strategic in their market strategy to enhance the circulation and to increase profits. The large companies take the advantage of the economies of scale as they used variety of sources in publishing newspapers (Hoovers Inc., 2010). The yesteryear few years have witnessed a decline in newspaper readership. More and more people are now using Internet so that they can view online and read for free. The innovations in Internet have given people the opportunity to log in and receive information twenty 4 hours a day. This news content is also available in genuine time and it is available all over all around the world all the time. Most of these news providers dont even campaign a fee. A result o f this is numerous readers are not willing to pay for news content now and has an enormous impact on newspapers sales (Honnold, 2000). A huge reduction has been seen in the summate account of newspaper in circulation in United States over a period of ten years. The number of newspapers circulated in 2000 was 115, 194,000 and now this number has been reduced to 97, 712, 000 in the year 2008. At the same time, the revenues of advertising have gone down during the past few years. The revenues have declined from $48,670 in 2000 to only $24,821 in the year 2009 as reported by Newspaper Association of America. The past decade has shown a constant downturn in profits and revenues for publishers of newspapers. This

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